translation from French: Galina Melamed
scientific editing and foreword: Ani Vaseva
graphic design: Teodora Venedikova
font: Spectral by Jean-Baptiste Levee (Production Type) © 2017
by The Spectral Project Authors
format: 16 / 60 / 84 Printer: Simolini-94
Meteor, Sofia, 2022
ISBN: 978-619-7291-32-2
Constant Coquelin is one of the most famous actors of the late nineteenth century. No less famous is his lecture "Art and the Actor", which he gave in various theatres in France and abroad. In 1880 his book Art and the Actor was published. After its appearance, The Art and the Actor became one of the most widely read and quoted books on acting. The book has played a key role in the debate about the position of the actor in the theatre, and in the controversy over which is the 'true' way of acting - a controversy in which figures such as Diderot and Stanislavsky have taken part, a controversy that has carried through the centuries from Antoine to Craig, from Artaud to Grotowski.
The book is published with the financial support of the National Culture Fund.