graphic design: Teodora Venedikova
paperback with dust jacket, 408 pages
Metheor, Sofia, 2018
Metheor. Selected Theatre Texts presents Ani Vaseva and Boyan Manchev’s theatre texts, related to their joint theatrical work within Metheor - a group of artistic accomplices who work with theatrical, visual and experimental theoretical forms, developing their radical poetics. Together with the actor Leonid Yovchev, who participated in most of the stagings of the texts included in the book, the authors are the driving force of Metheor.
The book collects all the texts of Metheor's performances written by Vaseva and Manchev, among which A Dying Play, Sick, Frankenstein, Phaeton: Miscreants, A Play for You, Lovеcraft, Roadtrip to Hell. The book also includes two not staged texts, The Stone and Bacchae, as well as Miscreants: A Manifesto for a Non-human Theatre. The three thematic nuclei - The New Body, Miscreants and The Irreparable, around which the texts are organised, correspond to the passions in which Metheor persists over the last decade: imagining of new, unimaginable (artistic, political, existential) techniques; from there - the metamorphosis of the body and the subject, the formless figure of the monster - a disturbing but exciting form of life with inhuman sex-appeal, the (ir)reversibility of time.